
Showing posts from December, 2018

Medal of Honor 8K & Jingle All the Way 15K aka "People Shouldn't Run Races in the Winter"

If you missed some of my previous blog posts, I'm trying to complete the Dopey Challenge in January in Orlando: a 5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, half marathon on Saturday, and full marathon on Sunday. That's 48.6 miles over 4 consecutive days. I also suck at actually going outside and running unless I sign up and pay for a race. I guess this is why some people pay for personal training - it gets them to the gym more often than if they just had a membership somewhere and no one would notice if they miss a class or five. I will run if I sign up and pay for a race, through the heat, the rain, the snow, and more ... I never would have run this past weekend on my own! So here's my December race weekend recap, where the weather was right around freezing but felt like it was barely even 20 degrees out and the reason people shouldn't run races in the winter (or maybe I should get more acclimated to cold weather running). Medal of Honor 8K This was the last race in the Marin