
Showing posts from October, 2018

Marine Corps Marathon aka "The end was better than the beginning"

Well, this race definitely did not get off to a great start ...  (1) I woke up before 4am because I kept thinking I had overslept, would look at my phone and the alarm clock, realize it was too early, and try to go back to sleep. It probably didn't help that I stayed out later than usual going to a haunted "trail of terror" with some folks from the gym (which actually wasn't scary and definitely not worth the small amount of money we paid for it, but the company was great). Anyways, I usually don't sleep very well the night before a race. Then Michael’s alarm goes off at 5am, 30min before I had planned to get up.    (2) I don’t know why, but I took my time getting ready and left the house much later than planned. I’d set everything out the night before, so it’s not like I wasn’t ready to roll. I had a “goal” metro to make at 6:37am which would have put me at the Pentagon at 7:06am, and given me ample time to walk the almost two miles to the start